Sunday 30 December 2012

Ark U-Turn

Woke this morning to sunshine and blue skies. Ark plans put on back-boiler.As it is our 4th granddaughter's 2nd birthday today we ventured over to Birmingham for her party. A good time was had by all. Passing over Birmingham for the first time in sunshine I was struck by the vast number of chain-store warehouses in the city. If the government are serious about solving the country's obesity problems the thought occurred to me they could blockade the roads around Birmingham and prevent the distribution of clothing. Residents would then be unable to buy new clothes and would have to resort to old garments long-lost in their wardrobe, most being too small, necessitating losing weight or going out naked. Health-wise I am reasonably OK with fuzzy headed periods being few and far between. Happy New Year to you and remember to keep chasing your dreams.

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