Friday, 2 March 2018

Hospital farce

I havehanged my daily blog to a weekly one to save you ploughing through daily boring reports from my  bed in Glenfield hospital where I spent nearly 4 weeks on Bennion ward,reserved for people with various Mental issues. I remain unsure as to how I ended up there, but it happened very fast. One minute I was comfortably relaxing at home, the next I had my own little room in a nutters hospital. Life there was extremely boring, apart from the wide range of characters therein. Thomas,who apparently is a permanent fixture, had a tendency to "fly off the handle" for no obvious reason. We became firm friends by the time I left.
Lynne visited at least twice per day but had limited access and engraciated herself to staff and patients by supplying  samples  of her lemon drizzle cakes.
Towards the end of my stay we endured major  windswept snowstorms,resulting in a wonderful  view, snowdrifts and fears of being isolated . Lynne,with our4x4 car ,had no problem  getting to and from Glenfield,(only five minutes away),but across the country roads,trains and airports ground to a halt in the inevitably English way.
I was eventually allowed home for the last weekend,assisted by the fact my room had been given away without my knowledge due to yet another radiator malfunction. On my return my wardrobe and other sparce furniture was full of someone else's clothes and personal effects, leading to utter panic amongst ward staff. I was allocated the room another patient had refused to stay in due  to yet another radiator malfunction, chaos reigned until one of the consultants rode in on a magnificent white stallion and actually made a decision!
I returned home to allow the radiator issues to be resolved, the consultant promising to"sort the whole thing out" before calling me to return.
I spent a peaceful time at home being well cared for by Lynne, caught up on my lost sleep and watched the snow melt, which it did within four days, before it was decided I was safe to launch on the outside world once again and I was  reconvened to" Guantanamo Bay" in a warm room all to myself

Over the next couple of days I retrieved what was left of my personal things, said my goodbyes to selected staff and patients and once again settled in at home, safe and well.and there I stayed for several weeks with no contact, which equally suited and frustrated me.
Eventually the NHS  caught up with me and I was summoned back to "Guantanamo bay"  where I settled back into boredom ,although this time  in my own heated room.
Nothing of note occurred for several days and I was once again released 

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