Saturday, 23 May 2015

Soaring onwards

A very peacefull night on the Soar until a bun fight between two moorhens at 04.30. At first it sounded like water rushing into the boat, with no other sounds. Lynne was out on the stern like a shot whilst I was trapped in bed by Sadie asleep on my legs, who quite rightly resented being awoken to allow my escape. Lynne confirmed the moorhen fight and was concerned one of the birds appeared dead, but it recovered quickly and they both sauntered off in different directions as if nothing had happened. I read that moorhens are very territorial and can fight to the death if necessary.
We moored on the Leicestershire bank of the soar which marks the county boundaries, Nottinghamshire being the other bank at that point.
No sunshine this morning but it is mild and relatively wind free.

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