Following our usual early start we made excellent progress along what remained of the North Oxford canal and joined the South Oxford version near Braunston, heading for the River Thames and London. Having rained overnight the day started cool and very windy, working itself up to almost hurricane proportions by mid afternoon, which made steering a 62 ft narrow boat on a particularly bendy canal challenging to say the least. The 9 Napton locks came and went without major incident. The lower lock is overlooked by a very old, but very complete beautiful windmill ( see photo) whilst the middle lock is overlooked by a particularly large herd of African buffalo (?). After a stop for water, showers and cassette emptying plus a snack lunch the wind force increased and encouraged us to moor-up for the evening. As usual mooring spots were at a premium and it was late afternoon before we found one, apparently at the highest point in Oxfordshire. I should explain good mooring points are on a straight section of canal away from bridges and normally have banks supported by recycled motorway crash barriers to which chains and ropes can be securely attached .On the Oxford most of these seldom occur together, which is a shame as the scenery is fantastic and should be cherished/enjoyed. We have now perfected our "pit stops" to the standard where Red Bull and Lotus would be envious, but of course we do not change tyres whilst they do not empty cassettes. Two incidents today both involving females. The first involved a large boat being driven round a sharp and blind bend far too fast. Luckily I was progressing in the opposite direction far more slowly. More by luck than judgement we missed each other, only for her to joke about Sod's law and meetings on bends and tunnels. I told her she was lucky I was not driving half as fast as her. "Bridge/bend rage". She was one of those ladies I would hate to meet in a dark alley. The second incident involved a hire boat on a very sharp bend. The driver was younger and managed to scrape the side of Tardis Two but was obviously sorry. She was the type of lady I wouldn't mind meeting in a dark alley. A couple of interesting boat names today.....Baba O'Reilly ( for any Who fans still alive ) and a particularly large boat....Moor and Peace.

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