Monday, 2 February 2015

Plans, but subject to (frequent) change.

We are still staying with our youngest daughter and her partner, although I thought we were due to move to our "middle son's" today, not that I am unhappy here but just reporting "our" plans as I understood them. We are now due to return home from Lynne's workplace tomorrow, a day earlier than originally "planned". Are you keeping up ? 
Lynne has always been unpredictable ( one of the things that first attracted me ), but in those early days over 25 years ago I had a complete brain and could keep track of my life with minimum confusion. Not so with half a brain, but I hang on with traditional British grit. We get there in the end, but not necessarily by the route or timescale originally envisaged, negating  possible boredom I suppose. We old'uns get our excitement in unconventional ways, talking of which Lynne got medical clearance to give me a full-on visit to Alton Towers whenever we want. Nemesis here we come !

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