Sunday 27 October 2013

Windlass panic

At last, a photo of the offending object. I awoke with an identical leg pain in my left arm and hand. Long ago I was told the tumour on my right brain would eventually affect my left body side, eye, arm, leg, speech etc. Naturally I did what every mature, educated male would do..... I panicked. Maybe the leg pain had been due to the tumour all along? was this one spreading to my left arm ? What next ? Lynne knocked some sense into me and proved other parts of my anatomy had not been affected, which was a welcome relief. More questions for the consultant tomorrow.
The lower one was the culprit, being older and considerably heavier than the upper, newer one. As you will see, the older one has two sizes to fit varying lock spindles, giving more chances of slipping off worn older ones, as happened to me at some considerable cost to my leg.

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