Saturday, 26 September 2015

Career moves

Following yesterday's job/hobby opportunities I have discussed them with Lynne and concluded to take the non- National Trust option as it is less formal and offers more flexibility to fit in boating escapes and other commitments, plus has less health and safety connotations. It is easily within my present and foreseeable capabilities, very local and a pleasant throwback to my garden maintenance business days. The disadvantage is more limited access to widening my present circle of friends and interests.
I managed to finally convince Lynne to transport me and my bike to Halfords to arrange repair of both punctures, which only took the guy about half an hour .A biking crash helmet was selected for me within seconds, but in its favour it was in Arsenal colours. Halfords to Bradgate park took all of twenty minutes to give me a chance to ascertain if bike riding (particularly the balance element) is within my present capabilities.Apart from one minor fall all went well and a decision was made to try the larger,flatter car park early tomorrow (Sunday) .who am I to argue.

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