Thursday, 23 July 2015

Homeward bound

I had an out of this world experience last night when I awoke at 21.15 with the boat deserted, a sort of narrow Marie  Celest. My low blood sugar combined with my still-to-be reorganised remains of a brain combined to confuse myself still further. Had I missed 2 injections and my tea and slept all night?. Luckily Lynne returned from Karen and Steve's boat to reassure me I was not going nuts, remind me I had taken my afternoon insulin and eaten a fish pie for tea plus assure me I had not slept all night, but it was time for bed.
It took her a while to increase my blood sugar levels and try to convince me I was at least half sane, before redressing my leg and getting me back to bed. I seem to spend half my life asleep between impromptu swimming lessons and more sleep, on top of which my forthcoming NHS counselling session has been delayed a further week. I suppose I'm too old to bother with in NHS terms.
We are close to home now so aim for 1final day's push today.
Back on familiar territory in almost wintery temperatures we made "fast" progress and we're back in the marina for dinner,having rescued the cooking process when one of the gas bottles ran out, so to speak.
It has been a true revelation living on a narrowboat without electrical problems,so even not being able to connect to the marina electrics tonight caused us no panic ( we are temporarily on someone else's supply tower pending the office opening in the morning).
We have been "out and about" for 3 months this year already but need to address a few things like MCC, counselling etc before hanging up our wellingtons finally for the winter.

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