Wednesday 17 April 2013

Shared thermal underwear

Overcast and cooler today. We're off to MCC later delivering even more lemon cakes for the boat fitting crew. I reckon they must have each put on a stone in weight since our boat building started. We still have a few things to take for Tardis Two. Every time we go something else springs to mind. We have a long weekend of cruising with friends planned this week, central heating and weather permitting. That sounds crazy for the middle of April. Global warming, (or climate change as is the new preferred definition) has a lot to answer for. I now wish I had bought shares in thermal underwear, if you'll excuse the lurid pictures conjured up in your mind. Craig, one of the fatter fitters, has kindly given us a photographic history of Tardis Two, of a far higher quality than mine, some of which I will share with you in due course. FOOTNOTE.............All the minor snags on Tardis Two had been rectified by the time we arrived at MCC. The lack of central heating was caused by a blocked valve in the bedroom (no jokes please) whilst the bowthruster fault was due to a lack of instruction. The paint repairs were perfect and she now looks pristine again, which is more than could be said of me. The day started OK for me but gradually slipped downhill as the it progressed, partly due to low blood sugar but also because of my increasing realisation of how important Lynne is to me. Not only has she moved heaven and earth to achieve Tardis Two but also worked tirelessly to complete the roman blinds for it. Bearing in mind her previous experience of sewing was replacing buttons on shirts or jackets the results are stunning. All of them are now in place with only fixing the press-studs remaining, highlighting my severe lack of DIY skills. I blame the lack of a battery powered screwdriver. I once owned one but the battery expired due to lack of use. A DIY fanatic is visiting this weekend, thank God. On top of all the aforementioned hassles Lynne also has to nursemaid me day and night, watching out for hypo's, fits, dizzy spells and suicidal moods. No great fun without respite. Our departure on the live-aboard adventure remains on-hold pending yet another pointless medical appointment and resolution of an important family issue. Lynne now worries the boat adventure may be beyond my current level of health, a thought also haunting me, having spent ages convincing myself the trip will inevitably improve my mental condition. Each delay seems to worsen the situation and makes my fight not to admit defeat more difficult. But beat it I will. The MCC fitters loved the cakes, by the way.

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