Sunday 26 May 2013

Demise of Happy Pills

I hate to tempt fate but feel compelled to report it is warm and sunny this morning. Even the rhino looks more at home. We have packed-up most of our clothes (again) in readiness for moving them onto Tardis Two for our long-term spell aboard. It seems strange moving again so soon. We have loved this place since we first moved in and will miss it, but we intend returning for Christmas/New Year to allow for a family gathering in something larger than a sardine tin. I woke this morning reflecting on how well I feel as the process of weaning myself off the happy pills continues. I now have the senses and functions I had before taking them,and some I'd never had before. I'm still a grumpy old git but I've always been happy that way. Take my advice, if anyone suggests a course of happy pills say "no thanks" and rush out the door. Go for counselling  instead, although from my experience there seems to be a very long waiting list for it on the NHS. 3 months and still waiting. A bag of Smarties helps. I gave up and started self-counselling, a bit like they practice on the management bonding seminars/weekends. So they do have a useful function after all?  During quiet moments I ask myself questions I think a counselor would automatically ask about childhood, relationships, significant events, regrets, fears and aspirations etc. (The Notebook. James Garner). Answer them honestly and you've saved yourself a lot of wasted time and money. To save embarrassment and boredom I won't go into the results of my consultations but I'm available anytime you need a session. Just contact my agent. Price negotiable.
I have informed MCC management when Tardis Two is available for rectification and intend being a "floater" (Waterworld. Kevin Costner). A blowfly is a continual nuisance but ensures you do something about it quickly.

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