Sunday 10 February 2013

Old John Outlawed

The plan today was to cadge a lift from Lynne to the Bradgate Park gate nearest Old John, discovered yesterday by accident (we got lost). The idea was to introduce myself to my older namesake and walk home from there, a long way but all downhill. The relentless rain was heavy so my plan never got off the ground. Lynne refused the lift on the basis she would not assist me getting pneumonia and then having to nurse me through the next few weeks.Following a lengthy spell of strained silence Lynne suggested "going for a drive" to which I agreed. Where we were going I never asked, nor was I informed. Half way down the M1 I assume we would be visiting my sister in Hertfordshire or the children in London. Turning off at Luton confirmed it would be a visit to my sister, by which time the heavy rain had become wet snow in large dollops. Two hours and several cups of tea later we were on our way home, still through slushy snow which, amazingly was settling. I fully expected it to stop at Watford Gap but it continued to the Leicestershire border, by which time we were communicating again. I should mention the foot in the wine chiller photo yesterday was mine, placed to give an idea of scale only.(my feet are size nine).

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