Some photo's of TARDIS TWO showing the paint job (ignore the shed reflections), the washing machine, the cooker below the giant microwave (behind the blue plastic). Weather today warmer with the odd snow flurry, but nothing settling. I spent the morning attempting to make appointments with a number of banks to discuss ways of closing the gap between what we have and what we need. Have you ever tried to contact your local Bank? You look up the phone number via Google and the rest should be easy. Think again. Yorkshire and Nationwide building society branches have a real human answering their phones. You tell them what you want and they offer you an appointment convenient to you. I know from past experience the Spanish Bank has a robot answering machine based in Newcastle giving you a whole range of options except getting through to the branch you phoned in the first place. Similarly with HSBC you get through to a robot in Scotland, whatever local branch you ring. Why have local branch numbers listed if you are not allowed to get through to them? It's like trying to contact Her Majesty's Secret Service, but in this case they already have YOUR money in their branch, the amount of which you know via the statements they send out monthly or via the internet. Are they too busy to answer the phone? What are they trying to hide or protect? Having spent half an hour on the phone going round in ever-decreasing circles I gave up and walked round the corner to my local HSBC, which took all of five minutes. Surely making an appointment cannot be that easy?......CORRECT......The only member of HSBC who can assist us works in the Hinckley branch, a forty minute drive away towards Birmingham. We have two appointments tomorrow, several miles apart, when both local Banks are within five minutes of our home and around thirty seconds apart. Happy days.
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