Sunday 10 March 2013

Shrinking equipment afloat

Happy Mothering Sunday to all you mums yet to get up having enjoyed breakfast in bed and endless cups of tea. Strangely when I got up the shed had a white, frosty roof whilst it was raining at the same time. It's snowing heavily now. Amongst all the advantages of living here a problem remains. It seems impossible to get a Sunday paper delivered. My first "contract" was with the village Post Office but after their third Sunday failure I moved to the Nook newsagent. Having just returned from the village to collect my Sunday newspaper for the third time, (today in heavy snow) I am on the verge of changing suppliers yet again. I gave the poor unfortunate newsagent a long and loud rant so I'll give them one more chance to redeem themselves. Unfortunately the next available newsagent is a longer walk away so changing supplier could work against me if they have the same failing. Weekday deliveries are fine but we may have missed the Sunday paperboy's Christmas box ? We're off to buy a washing-up bowl and a sink protector for me on Tardis Two, which says a lot about task allocation. I have the worlds' smallest wardrobe (even a hamster would feel cramped), a bow saw, a set of spanners and screwdrivers, a windlass (for opening locks).a pair of wellingtons and a full set of thermals, gloves, woolley socks, a bobble hat, a coffee mug, mooring chains,fenders, a whiskey glass and a waterproof suit, the full extent of my equipment on board. Finally, by way of self-congratulation I have just reached the two thousand five hundred milestone for site "hits" since last September. Special thanks and greetings to my readers in Brazil, Belarus, Ukraine, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately I can't yet thank you in your native languages but the lessons are going well.

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